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Become a Trainer
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Being a Pentathlon trainer will enable you to train people to become Pentathlon facilitators in the community.

This is a fantastic opportunity and will mean that you are helping members of your community to not only improve their own health and wellbeing but to share their knowledge and learning with others.


How do I become a Pentathlon trainer?


Once you have completed the main Pentathlon facilitator training and you have delivered at least 10 sessions (ideally 2 of each session) you are eligible to become a Pentathlon trainer. 


This is a fantastic chance for ‘lay’ community members to help improve the health and wellbeing of even more people within their community, neighbourhood and beyond.  It can also be a great start to a potential career in the NHS as it gives you the opportunity to gain experience and apply for roles in primary care such as the community health and wellbeing worker apprenticeship (Community health and wellbeing worker / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education), health and wellbeing coach or social prescribing link worker.


If you are already a health care professional and deliver group sessions or offer training as part of your role, this transition should be quite straight forward.

This programme is NOT currently running. More updates to come though, so stay tuned!

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